I cannot get NORMAL to work in Blender 4.0.2

I used to be able to apply a “normal” in Blender, but ever since I upgraded to 4.0.2 something changed. Maybe it is in my default settings or something.

Download the blender 4.0.2:
Rough Surface (blender 4.2.0).blend (2.7 MB)

I have no problem with Blender 3.6
Here’s a screenshot in Blender 4.0.2

View port view or actual rendering shows nothing (4.0.2):

This is version 3.6:

I’m sure it is something simple that I am overlooking.
Any help is appreciated, thanks :grinning:

Possibly the fact that the Normal Socket is now 6th from the top of the Principled BSDF… :thinking:

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I finally got it to work by recreating the same MATERIAL from scratch again.
I just don’t know why that particular one does not work. Maybe because it was a material used in Blender 3.6
Anyhow, the problem is now solved.