I can't texture paint eyes white.

I’m doing a beginner tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHTakjMTVWQ During texture painting, somehow the eyes of my character took on the color of the rest of him. The tutorial hasn’t gotten to texture painting the eyes yet. But I can’t texture paint the eyes back to default white without texture painting the rest of the character. Can someone tell me what I did wrong and how I can change the eyes back to white without affecting the rest of the model?

Blend file: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/35294

But I can’t texture paint the eyes back to default white without texture painting the rest of the character.
Because the eye and the body are using the same material.

Select the eye and delete the material its using. Then create a new material that only the eyes will use. This can be any colour you want and won’t affect anything else

Thanks for responding. I deleted the material for the eyes, and that fixed it. Now it’s white, and I’ll be ready for the eye texure part of the tutorial. I don’t remember giving the eyes the material for the rest of the body, but I suppose I did.