I can't weight paint anything

So I was using blender and suddenly I can’t weight paint anything. I tried reinstalling Blender, setting the weight groups, none of the brushes work except gradient. How do you guys solve this?

Hi and welcome to the BA forum.
Try a new file and see if this continues to be the problem, if yes then post a link to your file with third party file transfer .

The main problem is that this continued even when i tried it on the default cube in a new file

All of the weight paint brushes do not work at all except the gradient tool

All it does is instead select the faces and move them even though thats not what i want

Post a link to your file so we can check it for you.

The problem is that this problem persists even if i do it on a new file or even reinstall blender entirely

But i will send a link to the file later

here you go:

Hi, there are no issues with this file ,it works fine at my end.

Have you checked the settings or anything? Because i really dont know why mine doesnt work

All the brushes dont work except for the gradient

and if i try to paint the faces or the vertices it just selects them instead

I tried your file too. It weight-paints just fine at my end.

Next thing for you to try, is the NUCLEAR OPTION.
visit https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/4.1/advanced/blender_directory_layout.html to determine where blender stores the config files for your Operating System.

In linux-land, blender keeps the config stuff (like user-preferences) at /home/username/.config/blender/ (replace username with YOUR user-name).

So if I look in that directory ( /home/username/.config/blender/ ), I see sub-folders for each major version number (for instance, there is a folder there named “4.1”).

If you DELETE the entire folder /home/username/.config/blender/4.1/ (just the “4.1” sub-folder & its contents),
then the next time you launch blender 4.1 it will create new default preferences, and allow you to copy the settings from the previous version.

Less drastically, just rename the folder 4.1 to a backup name (like 4.1_old). This will be sufficient for blender to NOT find a folder named 4.1, and go through the process of setting up a new configuration folder for this version of blender.

It works, thanks a lot!

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