I don't understand Geometry Nodes in Blender 3.0


is it me or am I too stupid for geometry nodes?

I did a few tutorials for 2.93, and all seemed fine. But now I cannot do the simplest things anymore, because all nodes seem to be missing or renamed. Did they rename every node?

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Yeah, for 3.0 Geometry nodes has been redesigned almost completely. It works in a quite different way now that is a lot more intuitive and easy to read. The downside is that you have to lean more stuff, but it’s worth it.

I’d definitely recommend these tutorials by Erindale if you want to get up to speed with the new system:


They renamed a few nodes to make them more logical/obvious/understandable (in someone’s opinion). One or two might have moved between menus (don’t recall for sure).

Any specific things you’re unable to find?

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Its way more than just renaming a few nodes. The fields refactor completely changed the way attribute data is passed through the node graph.

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thanks for the replys.

I try around and with trial and error I understand more and more whats happening. But although I love Blender, I have to admit that the documentation is not good at all, at least concerning Geo Nodes in my opinion.

I need examples, simple basic examples, then I can understand what each of the nodes does. For example:

What does this do, and how it will be used correctly?

I use an “Instance on Points” Node to display Objects or Instances on a Mesh, but I want every object to have a random size. So I go and explore the nodes, I thought “seperate” could be something I could use, but I don’t even know if this one is the correct node at least.

EDIT: The last video explains exactly my issue, thanks for again for that.

i don’t really use it. but it separate the different types of geo there can be from the inputs and sorts it to its type in the output. it’s very self explanatory. you’d use it if you want only one geo type, let’s say you are doing some that only work on a mesh or works differently on different types.
basically if you want to separate different types of geo