I’ve started to learn rigging, and somehow open a table, where I was able to see and edit weight for each vertex group, to which selected vertex belongs (and copy the edited settings to all selected vertices as well). I was quickly able to fix my rigging for one part of the mesh, and than the table gone. I’m sure it was somewhere in view properties pane, but can’t see it there. For now it’s much more useful for me, than weight painting.
(yes, I know, it sounds stupid, but I can find nothing on it in wiki, there must be a hotkey for it)
It’s “vertex weights”, i found wiki entry, but still can’t evoke it.
It appears when you have a vertex in a vertex group selected (active) either in edit mode or in weight paint mode with vertex selection masking enabled in the 3Dview header.
The pane finally appeared when I’ve selected a vertex, assigned to two groups. Sometimes, blender interface drives me crazy, but I love it more and more. Probably, craziness is a condition for all types of love.
And it is on the right panel, not on the left one.
That why I wasn’t able to find it: when vertices are selected, than assigned to group, this panel do not show up. You need to select already assigned vertices for it to show.
No, it’s more illogical than I thought. Panel is gone again.
More investigation:
It doesn’t work, when you use face or edge select mode. Only with vertex select mode, despite the number of selected vertices, AND it works only if you start selecting in vertex mode.
Hmmm. Oh… selected vs. active is probably tripping you up. A vertex has to be active. Active in Blender is the last selected vertex (or object, etc.) with a click. Even when everything unselected the last selected is still the active item.*
Border or circle select doesn’t make anything active even if used to select a single vertex.
*Edit: I probably added confusion with added info… a vertex has to be in a group, selected, and active for the panel to show. I gave more info 'cos this active/selected business can trip you up in other ways too.