I followed a tutorial, learning to render my first time in cycles and its broken?

Hey there!

I was doing a tutorial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3gNgsvM8tY

Followed it to the T - at least I felt like I was. Now, I’ve made things in Blender before, but I have never rendered anything before. So I really was trying to follow this tutorial. When I did my F12 render, my duck was just completely broken.

All of the modifiers have been applied.

Mirror, Sub, solidify were the appliers utilized.

Can someone help me with my cute little adventure duck?

Here’s the render:

Welcome :tada:

…well… the only thing someone can do is spending 28:59 and follow the video and then maybe also redo this to find out what maybe done wrong to give you any tip…

This said: one possibilty is when a subsurface modifer was used one any part and you are in edit mode and hit render… then the modifer will not be used… ( IDK if this is a bug or a feature :person_shrugging: ) so you may have to switch back to object mode before rendering…