sorry for my english
I started this thread for myself and others who have found a bug, and want to check it out.
I found something to do with the color picker:
1 video - all good
2 video - if you click and drag,color changes not immediately, slowly and does not correspond to the place where to be color picker. The second part of the video 2 - Can picker capture color from outside the program (like Photoshop)? Now blender thinks color outside the program - is black
3 video - in Texture Paint mode Sample Color picker (hotkey S) does not capture the color from the UV\Image Editor window, if you drag cursor frome 3d view.
I haven’t watched the videos, but from the sounds of it these may be limitations of blender’s colour picker implementation rather than outright bugs. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.
That said, the devs prefer bugs to be reported at
This is actually a nice idea for a thread, only if people would actually post here: to filter non-issues before they get to the tracker.
Regarding color picker dragging, this is by design. Not sure about sampling outside the program window though.
These are not bugs, but it’s a bit inconsistent. Basically the picker evoked by using the E key uses averaging while the one evoked by the S key does not. The S key also uses context to determine the active area, so it only acts in the area that it was evoked in. Would be nice to be able to turn averaging on or off through some option though and have it be consistent across the sampling tools.
Even dyntopo detail sampling would benefit from this.
thanks guys
What about colors picking from outside blender window? looks like a blender thinks that all located outside - is black.
That’s about right, blender uses OpenGL to sample colors and this is only limited to the blender window.
[EDIT] basically it’s not impossible to read other windows when sampling, but it will be platform dependent, see
for info on how it is done on linux for instance
One thing I notice last week is if I set color In blender and render I see nice colors !
but ounce I open it up in an image editor the colors are not the same !
is this a bug or bad settings!
there was some bug report on colors picker 2 months ago
dont’ know if this has been corrected yet !
hope so
happy bl
This is an old bug
if you use the Bevel modifer with profile = 1, bubbles are formed
And the profile does not move smoothly
Some time ago I reported to Developers said they know about it and are working on a fix.
Time goes, but the bug stayed.
Should I remind them about it?
The bevel bug for profile 1.0 is assigned to me. Special cases are easy; the general case is hard. It is a lot of work to fix, and I’ve been busy at my day job, which is why this has taken so long. My ambition is to fix this in time for 2.75. Right now I’m working on a UV bug, which is also hard.
Hello Howard.
good to see you.
thanks you for your work.
Hello everyone, this is my first post on fórum.Sorry by posting here, but did not know where to report my problem.I have been trying to learn how to use Blender does a couple of months, and the latest versions of the program found a kind bug. When selecting a mesh, and apply the loop cut tool, smoothing option use, but it makes the vertices of a single edge segment reversed the positions in which they should be expelled, always from the center of mesh.I like anyone could I asked if this is already a known problem or a limitation with my hardware.Windows 7 home edition, GeForce gt 430 2gbRAM.And sorry my English!
Hello Edson Jr,
if I understand you correctly: after invoking loop cut, when the loop slides, look at the 3D window bottom bar where it says (E)ven: OFF. Hit E to make it ON, then hit F to switch sides. Please also see the docs about Loop Subdivide, section Options.
I found it
if the preview matcap located at the bottom of the viewport , then all is well
if preview matkap located at the top of the viewport, the matkap list flipped bottom-up
sorry for my english
Not a bug. All menus in Blender behave this way to keep the travel distance for the mouse consistent.
if you (like me) don’t like this order switching of menus, matcap lists etc, you can prevent it. In the outliner window, switch view type to “User Preferences”, expand “View & Controls”, find “Contents Follow Opening Direction” and disable it.
Oh, thank you guys
but maybe I was inattentive, or am I fat noob :), but I have not found ““View & Controls”, find “Contents Follow Opening Direction””
wow! I did not even know about these settings, thank you!
Neither did I, that was one hell of a “hidden” menu.