Hello. I remember that few years ago I was downloading one Blender experimental version from site called graphicall org. Now this domain is stolen and contains site about… 3dsMax
So I checked Internet Archive.
And I found one interesting thing that has available download:
Those old versions by now would be an absolute nightmare to use, as they had next to no features and tools relative to what we have now. They were lacking even to the point of not having undo (yes, if you made a big mistake, you have to close the .blend file and reopen it at the last save).
I came to Blender at version 2.33, and the team by then at least provided a working undo for editmode (so the ‘fun’ of correcting mistakes manually and figuring out how to access tools with no UI access was largely gone), the fact the application was a toy optimized for Linux did not bother me back then (as I was just starting out in 3D and my standards as a starry-eyed teenager were lower).