I have a few questions about rendering


1st Question

If you look at the referred image above you will see that the Memory usage is 197.41M. What does the M stands for? Mega BYTES or Mega BITES?

2nd Question

Peak memory usage just means what the climax of usage was? Right?
Is it a singular point? Or is it an average of several points at the top?

3rd Question

It took 57 seconds to render this image. For simplicity sake let’s say it took 1 minute.

If I rendered an animation (without changing anything at all) for 100 frames.
100 frames * 1 minute = 100 minutes = 1 hour and 40 minutes
Would it take 1.4 hours to render it all? Or does each individual frame might take longer than the previous one?

Thanks! :smiley:

IME, if nothing on screen changes, then the frames should take roughly the same amount of time to render. Render time can be changed based on what’s in camera view. For example, I had an animation where one set of frames had a character with a lot of hair and those frames took 3-4 minutes to render, and another set of frames in the same scene just had a lowish poly house and took 1-1.5 minutes to render.


Pretty sure it’s MegaBytes.

The highest amount of memory that was required to render the image. It may have only hit that once or a few times, but it never went higher then that.

Maybe, but likely not, unless every frame in the animation is the same as the frame you just rendered. In which case it isn’t an animation but a sequence of 100 still images.

The moment you move something in an animation, including the camera, the image may take more or less time to render for a whole mass of reasons.

Also…depending of the complexity of the scene loading and preparing (example shader compilation, subdividing etc…) of the scene usually takes some time… but only once…