I made a Turnaround 2D Animation with the help of a 3D Model using Blender

Hello, Awesome People! I’m excited to share my latest project, a 2D Hand-Drawn Turnaround Animation created using Grease Pencil in Blender. Here, I made a 3D model from scratch and used it as a reference to create a turnaround animation. I’d love your feedback and critiques!

Watch This Short Video for more information:
I made a Turnaround 2D Animation with the help of a 3D Model using a Blender


This is called rotoscoping.

Is rotoscoping your own custom 3D model a bad thing?? :thinking:

Not really, IMO. Rotoscoping is just an animation technique, that happens to be what you’ve used here.

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Wow!! Thank You!!

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Not at all, it also depends on the context of how the work was created etc If you just steal people’s 3d work and trace it yeah that would be bad.

I just was making sure people knew about the technique.


Thank Goodness!! I made this model from scratch!!

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Right, that is completely legit and it is not cheating.

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Thank You :pray:t2: :blush: