I made this ,what are your thoughts?


Amazing work :clap:
It can be used as a game cover


looks cool, a couple of things that I have noticed:

  1. I can see the water in the foreground clipping throught the camera, so maybe raise the camera or something.

  2. The character model at the moment is quite simple, that could be what you’re going for, but I think having more details on/surrounding the character would do wonders for your worldbuilding. The simple world you’ve layed out here is quite intriguing and I would want to know more about this character, Who are they? What are they doing? Are they fighting, running etc… This could be done through props scattered around this scene or something along those lines

  3. It looks very grainy, I’m not sure if you’ve added grain in compositing, in which case it’s a bit much. Also keep in mind that film grain is in black and white and is generally far more appealing than coloured noise.

Looking forward to seeing what this becomes!!

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Yoo Thanks!,
The foreground is basically A Rock but idk why the texture isn’t rugged…

the character model is some random person i thought of, who is glancing around about what is going on.
Im not very good at sculpting , but i wanted the cloth to fly , I wanted a Pet animal for the character besides him… but i can’t sculpt. lol

For the noise I Rendered it denoised but it looked Waxy , so i added grain later in Photopea.
may be i should try film grain