i.materialise bookend challenge [Entries closed]

Ok there are some awesome models in here so far and here is what I have so far…Hint. JImmy page…


The dimensions are 8x8cm and 12 cm height… but, unless I am wrong Blender does not let you measure in cm, so use Blender units as a reference.

Well, I will check about that with our support guys. Should you win the challenge, we will figure out how to 3D print your model :wink:

hey, it’s been a while, and we will cover the shipment costs wherever you are located

@Thomas Murphy
There is an attachment button on a reply dialog… and nice dinosaurs :slight_smile:

Thanks for your submissions :smiley:

Hi Alex. I’d really like to participate in the bookend challenge. Any chance of extending the submission date? If not, can we use old stuff that we made previously? :confused:

yes (if more requests will be in)


yes (as long as you are the author of the model)

I think my previous submission might have a bit too much detail (metric always throws me off). Here’s a slightly simpler one.


some more and would like to extend the robe a bit but coming along with it…:smiley:


Heya, I would like to request an extension on the finish date too, I can knock something together in time but another week would be great

I’d like to join too :slight_smile: And ask for more time also. And what are the restrictions to the model texturing? Can we use blender materials or does it have to be images like in models for games? Can we use some mats from e.g. blender material repository? Does each part of the model have to be connected to others (in a sense that when we press ctrl+l we will sellect the whole mesh)? Can there be holes?

It’s 1/3 done but dunno if it is not too much detailed

Yes an extension would be super…

Hi there!
My name is Fernando Ribeiro, I’m from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
This is my first post, and also my first entry :wink:
The name of my character is Bast, i’m posting both one screen with all views and two beauty shots. Hope you like it!

My e-mail for contects is [email protected]

Fernando R.


Ok here is my finished submission for this challenge… Man on the mountain.


Hi there!

It’s me again. This is my second and probably last entry for this competition: ScarFace. It’s a high poly head of a bad luck guy =)

Both my entries were made using sculpt and multi resolution, so if necessary I can generate a lower detailed mesh.

Thanks for your attention! =)
Fernando R.



Here is my little design, still a lot of work to do, but here is a little preview =)


Changed my idea how my entry should look and now it’s anime style ‘Dragon Master’ !!! :smiley: Still needs lots of work but here’s the preview


well, you cannot have floating in the air parts in your submission for sure. There are no restrictions on textures, use whatever you find suitable. Once we have the winners we will work more closely with them and their files.

Thanks again for gr8 submissions :smiley:

Hi there!
Me again. Just adding a version of the model with some texturing work.

See ya,
Fernando R.


Alex does this have to be a water tight mesh like they have you do with shapeways? Thanks…

I do some heavy reading, so I need a little more ‘umpf’ for my bookend…


Hi. This is my “work”. I hope you like it.
It’s possible to participate with this model?

And a render…

The best luck for everybody.

Don’t worry about that, this is not necessary.
