I modeled glasses, but when imported in Blender they are hollow

I decided to make a set of glasses in Fusion360(as solids), but then when i import them in Blender as ‘.OBJ’ file they are hollow and it looks weird when rendered. Is there an easy way to fix that in blender or i better model them again, but in Blender? I tired the solidify modifier, but doesn’t seem to fix what i exactly want.

Here is a screenshot →

I am going to need a bit more information to answer that question.

I’m not sure I understand the problem from your screenshot. Is the shape of the object different between softwares? What do you mean when you say they are hollow? I could probably tell the problem better with an image of the render.

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The shape of the object is the same, just that in Fusion360 i see the solid like that →

But in Blender there is no thickness between the inside and the outside of the glass.

And rendered looks like that →

It’s just blank space between the inside and the outside, it’s not the way light passes through.

So, this seems like a problem about creating a realistic glass material.

First, If you want to render realistic glass, you should make sure you are using Cycles and not Eevee. Then, go into the render setting (under light paths → max bounces) and mare sure that you have multiple glossy bounces. For a single picture where realistic glass is the focus, don’t hesitate to use a lot of bounces for everything (like put them all at 32).

Then, go into edit mode, select all the polygons on your glass using the “a” key and then press shift+n. This will ensure the surface points the correct way.

Then, You will want to use a material like this on your glass (boxes are only added for explanations):

Finally, glass will look much better with some lighting or surrounding objects to reflect. If you want only a picture of the glasses alone, maybe do some research about how to use a HDRI in Blender (a special kind of background image that can be used for lighting and reflections, there are some free ones on the Internet).

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