I need feedback

Is it possible to get some job in archviz using only blender or it’s just wasting time?
I’m just like to create such realistic renders and get a lot of fun

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If you’re having fun, it’s not a waste of time :slight_smile:


Hello !

It’s not a simple answer, if you are a freelancer and your clients pay you for image you can probably manage with blender.
If you want to work in a company ( and learn from more experienced artists) you may have to learn different software, but since the theory stay the same learning blender isn’t a waste.

Every “shop” necessarily standardizes their workflows on something. At the time they made their decision, they made the best one they could. And now, due to very obvious and very legitimate business considerations, they will never now change it. Never expect them to. If you have many clients (yay!), you might be working in several products at the same time. It’s just “par for the course.”

The very nice thing about Blender is that it is fully-supported by the greater CG industry and by a capable team of developers who work within that industry. So, you can use it to acquire an extremely-relevant set of skills, and yet pay nothing to do it. The Blender development team – and its host of volunteers – have never been “asleep at the switch.” Nor will they ever be.

“Okay, you need to do this, or to solve this problem, and how are you going to [effciently] do it, given the tools that you have, and that you therefore now find yourself with both hands firmly tied behind your back?” (Remember that, whatever it is, it might well not be “the latest version!”) But still you find a way to make magic … by deadline. That’s what you need to be able to do … predictably.

what the light clamping values of 10 on both fields?

In one of the videos about a lighting addon they make the case that sun lamp strength should typically be somewhere between 10 and 100

Gorvas3d can I give you one of my scene files and could you light it for me? I literally play with lighting for a for several hours over many days and don’t like anything I do and then I go back to it 4, 8, or 12 months later and do the same thing again and hate it. You’ve apparently just started with this and already your stuff looks 10,000x better than 99.999% of my stuff.

Yes, sure
I’ll try to do it
But I can do it little bit later today(have to go to work right now)

Is it Archviz scene?

From what I see in your portfolio it’s not that bad !
But maybe you struggle to organize things, to me lighting is closely related to composing an image, you can use your gut feeling but it’s also possible to make very objective choices and really “construct” the image like you would follow a recipe. Or like you would model an object, that is quite precisely as opposite to make random decision based on instinct.

Of course , having a strict recipe is kinda boring, and gut feeling is good too. But you can use general rules to drive your work.

One main very important point is readability, but before you need to make clear what is the subject, goal or focal point of that image. Once these are well define it’s easier to check if the lighting or composition decisions you make help to focus on your subject or move the viewer away from it. Then it’s possible to add some hierarchy to the image, so the subject gets more visual importance from the framing, lighting, colors, you make it stand out first and have more visual weight. Then you can have a secondary focal point, and then the remaining parts, instead of having everything with the same visual weight which in general is confusing.

In the beginning I was focusing a lot on “how to make things looks cool” and it was quite complicated, then I started to focus on the basics, “how to make things read well” and just by that you get instant coolness, and from there you can get fancy and get more creative.

Hopes that helps,


Today’s work
What do you think guys?


Is the image outside of the window perpendicular to the window or perpendicular to the camera?

Parallel to camera

Change little bit backdrop image and made some light adjustments

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I have some doubt about wall color
How to choose right color?

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