I need help texturing the AOT wall

I’ve been working on a project based on attack on titan. I’m currently trying to texture the wall, and for the life of me I can’t freaking get the textures right. So, I was wondering if anyone has any tips for getting a material that looks like the wall from Attack on Titan???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is a screenshot from Attack on Titan, right? Can you show us a screenshot of what you’re working on & what you have so far?

It kinda looks like they blocked out most of the scene in 3D, then traced it with a 2D art program and drew in the textures.

To do something similar in 3D, you could do:
a grungy concrete texture from textures.com, then add a couple moss decals.
bevel shader or dirty vertex colors, then make the texture coordinates noisy & subtract some musgrave from it or something
use two sun lamps, one for the warms highlights & one for the cool blue shadows

So here’s the scene without any textures. The scene isn’t finished so far, I have a lot more to model, fix, clean, etc. But I’m trying to get the wall completely finished before I move on.

Thanks for the tips!

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Along the lines of what @BlenderSplendor was saying… A basic grunge start…add in noise along with the dirty vertex and or Bevel shader and you would have a real good start…UV editing is going to help a lot when you get started…also you might consider a bit of texture paint so you can emphasize the darker orangish areas.


Thanks Man! This has been a lot of help

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