Hi, the image you are showing is EEVEE not Cycles?
The first thing to check is if you have enough light in the scene.
Yes, I have light, and I’m showing in cycles.
The problem is that I can’t see just one object! I have textures and shaders…
And thank u, thank u very much!
Hmm, this is a strange problem… I see the character’s eyes through the glasses, but not the character outside of the glasses. You have 2 particle systems the one shown for Hair, so I am wondering if that is somehow blocking the light from reaching the character’s face…
Could you change the world to light grey so we can see everything in the scene?
Could you mute the particle system ( little screen icon next to the Camera Icon in the modifier) and let us see what happens…
I am wondering if, in the particle system, you turned off, show emitter.
In the Object Properties tab, shading, have you by any chance enabled Holdout?
How did you do the Glasses? Is that face a texture or glass?
Is this Cycles or EeVee?
I can just barely see the light on the edge of the R-Cheek, the power needs to be increased +100 at least…
Have you checked to see if you have duplicate geometry?
Edit Mode > Mesh > Clean-up > Merge by distance ( only on the head object for now) while you are at it, check normals, and also make sure you have applied scale to each object…
No, I didn’t
Hi, can you show your shader setup it could be something to do with that.
This is texture and it’s Cycles.
I couldn’t replicate your problem, but i am on blender 4.1.
try check marking the collection “U DREW STARS” within your scene collection panel.
Could you also post the face image texture (or if you are reluctant, at least confirm that it isn’t a blank texture - though that seems unlikely with the texture showing through transparency).