I think you are missing the point of this web site. This is an artists forum, with some programmers turned artists thrown in for good measure, but is essentially about improving our ability to create art. There are some good models available here, but you’ll have to spend some time finding them, read the threads, look around. There are even model repositories, already doing what you say you want.
So where is your parrot? Or your frog? Or one of the human cartoon characters you’ve put together? There’s an expression the Americans use: put up or shut up.
Why the hell would anyone take the extra time to write up a tutorial on a model they built, make thumbnails, package it up in a pretty little zip file, and even include their email address so you can pester them with questions if you don’t understand the tutorial… I suppose (why have a tutorial for just a mesh with textures?) you’d want those models rigged, with lip-synch shape keys and set of animator-friendly controls along with a library of pre-set actions like walk cycles, too.
Are you even reading the responses to your posts? You don’t seem to be responding to them in any substantive way. If you want to convince this crowd to give you a shortcut to fame and fortune you are going to have to come up with a pretty damn persuasive response to Myke and others who have said the same thing.
You say you want to animate fables? Well. You have a cute parrot. You have some very colorful frogs. Get busy. Read Aesop. Read the Panchatantra. Use your creativity to fit the stories to the characters you’ve already got. We look forward to seeing your efforts in the Works in Progress forum, but we are not holding our breath while waiting.