I want one object to not receve shadows

Hey there, i use a plane for my set up and its node settings are right for me (i need its reflection)

I tried to put an emission node to make it not receive shadow, it works but my initial reflection is fucked.

So the question is simple, how to make object A not receve shadow from B but B still have to put its shadows to C?

To be clear, i need my picture (face 2) without the shadow on the ground,

picture (face) is with my plane with emission at 1 but it fucked the shadows on the object

is it possible to render the object without the plane on the ground? basically floating in space, everything else remaining the same?

Yes it could be, but i really need the reflection from my plane. I just want my plane to not receive any shadows

how can the plane (background/ground) not receive shadows?

if the object were a simple shape, you could turn off ‘cast shadows’ on it
 but unfortunately, i don’t think it would shade itself (which you do want, i’m gathering).

testing it with a simple cube and plane on 3.6.4, using emission on the plane worked, and didn’t affect my cube, but then, it’s a simple cube.

honestly, i’d probably do that in composition
 one render of just the plane with no stool combined with a render of the stool with cryptomatte to insert it into the scene without it’s shadow (the original plane)

hopefully someone will be along shortly to be of better help than i. :slight_smile:

Select the floor and turn this off.
I think that should work.

In Blender 4.0, there is light linking. You can search youtube for more info. :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks for your answer but the problem is that with emission as you can see on my first picture, my shadows are lighter.

Already tryed it but it doesn’t work, sadly :smiling_face_with_tear:

Blender 4.0 is not avalaible, 3.6.4 is the latest i think?

Blender 4.0 is in Beta. Not yet released. It is an experimental build. You can download it here:

It’s not meant to be used for production work but since you need that feature. You can try it. Make a copy of your original Blender file and open in 4.0, just to avoid any problems. Also do not save over your original Blender 3.6 file.

Backup your Blender file too. I think I read somewhere about Blender 4.0 being incompartible with Blender previous versions.

Turn off the shadow for the chair, It should work. Leave the floor material shadows on.

Big thanks for your time but it’s for production and i will try to do my best on 3.6.

I did it and it’s not good, i need the shadows of the chair on the chair itself :((

Try this:
Use this material setup for the floor.


mebbe this might work? you want the reflection from the plane, which is just ‘bounced lighting,’ in that grey color

what if you remove the plane (just hide it), and add another light, in that same color as the plane, from a lower angle so it “shines” up at the chair, from the same direction the bounced light would have come from? much dimmer than the original light, of course.

In this case the shadow ray and transparent shader do nothing. The reason the floor has no shadow is because it is has the emission shader.

(not because the floor’s shadow rays are transparent)

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which unfortunately the emissive plane is also apparently lighting the OP’s stool, messing up the shadows they do want on the stool.

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Unfortunately even if you do get rid of the shadow in the floor with the compositor it will not look right.

The bottom of the feet of the legs will have a nasty darkening when the meet the floor.

 well that strikes out that idea 
 i think the last to try is faking the surface bounces with another light?

  1. Make the floor invisible to the camera in the material setting.
  2. Put the desired floor color in the World setting (the current setting assumes that the World has a different setting)

※ If you don’t need the color of the background, you can render the background transparent.