I want to Disable N-gon lines in wireframe Render

Hi Community,

I want to disable N-gon lines in wireframe render. Is there any way to achieve it? I received .3dm Rhino model from client and it is Triangulating while export from Rhino. I tried importing the Rhino model directly inside Blender using Addon but still the problem is there…

You can use the wireframe modifier , it will preserve Ngon and Quads

You could try this method:

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I don’t want to preserve N-gons basically. I want to get rid of it :rofl:

Have you tried it ? from what I understand it will solve your issue.
You’ll have a wireframe render with all the edges that are visible in edit mode, without the face triangulation that appear in render.

As i understand this you don’t have anything like n-gon lines because you have a triangulated mesh. You may try something like tris to quad but then you have mutiple tris which originally where a n-gon and there is no information about how this was (of course your visual perception makes you think you know)… but blender don’t know. You may select on of those tris and try select similar : normal and try to make faces → n-gons…
Anyway: if you are searching for an answer to your original question/title… Try what @sozap said.

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