I took a quick nap yesterday afternoon to take a break from coding. I set my alarm to wake me up in 45 minutes. When it did wake me up, I was completely out of it! It’s weird that I can remember what was going on, but at the time I didn’t really comprehend anything.
But the strangest part was that my left leg wouldn’t work right. I couldn’t put any weight on it while I was walking or it would give out. I think my mind kept telling it I was still asleep or something.
It’s weird that everytime I’m only half awake I go and get a drink. Don’t know why I got a glass of milk instead of orange juice or something. But I took my drink and laid down and went back to sleep… still holding my drink. I woke up in a minute or so with milk everywhere! A few hours later I realized I had smelly, crusted milk on my ear. It was a pleasant experience.
mmm… coding => sleeping => paralysis => bathing in milk => milk in the ear…
I GOT IT!! You are a space invader planning to conquer earth and you are telling your wife (into a secret language of course) who stayed on your mother plannet that you’ll be late for dinner!!
Hands up! You’re discovered!