Material is all procedural.
Why ice cream in the water? Nice attempt.
cause it’s summertime
Nice job… Looks like something that would pop up in a David Lynch movie
Ha! that’s awsome
the ice cream looks real can you show the shaders node ?
Nice, maybe you can try to add wet part where ice cream cone touch water… just to fun
Yeah, that would have been nice
…and i laugh by the ocean.
Great job, and good concept. Special like for the title
I like this so much for some reason. It’s realistic but not in a realistic scenario. Very cool!
So is this sculpted as shown in the white version?
Wow! Impressive! Did you sculpt that or did you have a bump map?
Thats awesome. Now to animate the ice cream melting and water flowing
Wow this is so cool! If I were to make the ice cream I would have just turned down the roughness and adjusted the sss and that’s all. The ice cream and ocean look so realistic! One thing though, the background looks like a natural sky, yet the lighting looks like a studio light set up, which makes the sky looks like a fake back drop. Would it be better to just use the sky light? BTW, there is a new experimental branch with a new sky texture “Nishita”, I recommend you to check it out, it is very good! Here is the link:
EDIT: Nishita has merged into the main branch! Download the latest 2.90 build and it is there already!
yes, I used combination of sculpting and displacement
it’s a combination of the both
thanks, yes it a conscious choice to have a unrealistic light. It’s more stylized as it was shot in a studio with controlled light, thought it would make it more interesting I guess
Wait, was it rendered in Eevee or cycles?