Ice Cream Truck from Transformers.

I will show You, what I am currently working on.
So, like in topic. It’s Ice Cream Truck, concretely a copy of Transformers Twins.
It’s not a perfect copy, because i have only 2 low res images, and they also aren’t identically. Currently I am on a middle-far stage. The model of car is complete, now I make textures. UV’s are in 95% complete, I have only few small pieces to unwrap.
Rendering will be done in TheaRender. Textures from Photoshop.
C&C are welcome.
I almost forgot, now I am sitting on Blender 2.5X ,because of projection painting with ability to paint a projection in 2D aplication.
But entire modell was done in Blender 2.49.

click for a large image


This is so much win. Looks clean and well shaped.

So is it actually going to transform…? I’m not familiar with the original piece so… :stuck_out_tongue:

BrainsUnlimited- No it’s just a car. It will be not transformed.
I also think about a character to drive this truck. I think about demonic clown. We will see, cheers!
Edit, a little test made in Thea:


Textures are almost done, I must make some little changes. Environment (in this case hdr) will stay as it is now.
What left? A little bit of interrior, lamps, shaders, maybe some other stuff.

Nice look. The auto texture seems little off though. I like to see it more metallic. As it is now it looks like made of fabric.

ridix- Thank’s. Slighlty fixed, but shader’s i will made last.
P.S Now i see that, bump map’s are too strong.

put a burning demonic clown head on top and it’s a nice take on “twisted metal” of my absolute fav. game for playstation1

some parts of the textures is not quite right i like the model though but i think you need a normal map and spec map to make it look better

aemartin- jep that’s shouldn’t be difficult, becasue i need made it just half.
anmisto- There are those maps (bump and reflection) think about convert bump to normall. Please tell what part’s aren’t right?

Ok update, working on DemonicCLown:

Nice car model, great textures, keep it up!