Ice Cream Van

Hi! Below is an Ice Cream Van based on the 1973 Bedford model.

It is the main focal asset for a 3D scene I am working on however I decided to first make it standalone by theming it more generic.

The new 3D scene centers around a family of polar bears that have travelled to a colony of penguins to sell them some “ice cream”.

When I import it into my polar scene I will update it to feel more like a family of polar bears have been living in it!

I filled the van with lots of props and hand drawn decals to give it a little bit of personality here are some of the textures I created with Procreate:

I used 3 textures from one for leather, a wire mesh and subtle surface imperfections for the paint.

Environment texture is Snowy Cemetry from Poly Haven.

Everything other than the textures above were made in Blender and rendered with Cycles.


and the same renders in clay:

I look forward to starting on the rest of the scene and I will make sure to share how that goes!



Amazing work! Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes. I really like your cute style here.

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Very cute, lots of lovely detail. Looking forward to seeing the scene!

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Looks amazing! Love all the cute little details!
I really get a sense that you had a lot of fun making it :grin:

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I really did :slight_smile:

There were probably at least 3 points I could have just stopped based on what I was making it for, but I just couldnt let it go!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Amazing, thanks @bartv !

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Awesome work! I really like that you showed your references and planning.


So cute :heart_eyes: I love it :heart:

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I’m in love with this model! Looks almost identical to the one that used to turn up outside my nans house when I was a kid!

Would you ever consider selling the model and the rights to use it in a small indie video game I’m working on?