Icons - 90's Kids

C&C- welcome
Based on icons by @canofdanchan on Instagram
Check out their profiles for some really cool work.

Original post at- https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEMrJKMWph/

Will be posting more from the same series soon!


Part 2
Some more renders from the same project!


Great models, you really capture the silhouettes well but the textures and smudges make the piece.

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

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You’re so close, but you’re missing the one thing that will make it stand out as a truly 90’s piece: wiggly lines and jiggly triangles.

Seriously, they were everywhere. You couldn’t get away from them. No matter where you went, there they were. Your lunchbox had them. Your trapper keeper probably sported a few. You probably had a few shirts with them on there. It was all about those wiggly lines and jiggly triangles. Any 90’s piece will have to incorporate them in some shape, form, or fashion to be true to form.

For example…

But other than that one missing detail, it’s solid stuff. If I had to give it a rating from zilch to totally bodacious, I’d say it’s a solid badness to the radness.

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Thank you so much! I really like way you put it! :smile:
Ask for the lines, you have a very good point. I should have spent a bit more time looking at references to get the full 90s feel into the artworks!

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