icons for Blender 2.5

aah… finally all icons. great stuff, i can start using this!

one idea… the vertex/edge/face selection icons, how about putting some orange in there, just like you have on “edit mode” icon…

oh, and about the transform widgets… i liked the number 3 -version best too…
and this is a very good example how voting is not the best option always… i didn’t even notice that there was voting going on :slight_smile:


great, all icons, i can start using this now! thanks…

one idea: how about adding some orange to vertex/edge/face -select icons, just like you have on edit mode icon?


Hi Basse,
check posts nr 155, 162 and 165.

Here You have icons sheet with widgets nr 3:

The third variant is an illustration of the transform widgets,
the second variant is more universal than the third,
these icons can also be used as an alternative for G,R,S shortcuts.

jendrzych: heh, i see…heh heh… i never really use outliner myself… :slight_smile:


What about the sound buttons?
Will Sound Block and Audio Sync be represented by the same icon?

could You be more precise please?

Audio Window, Button Window header (Sound block) -> “audio wave icon” (actually)
Timeline window (Play back and sync) -> “speaker icon” (actually)

Audio Window, Button Window header (Sound block) -> “music note icon” (Your project)
Timeline window (Play back and sync) -> “speaker icon” (Your project)

PS. great work! pozdrawiam!

Wow all done now? Jendrzych, these are fantastic. Does a ton to modernize the look of Blender’s interface.

Does anybody know when these will be included as the default blender icon set?

Deinfinitely it won’t be in 2.43, at last until You install it yourself. CVS is frozen now and nothin new will be commited with exception for bugfixes.
I have had a quick talk with Broken and he considers commiting the icon set when CVS will be open again.

Since it is fairly sure that next Blender relase will have refreshed UI, I’m going to invesigate how current icons could be improved. Conclusions will be posted here.

jendrzych <- I very like yours icons design !!! Look very professional and adequate. You have used orange colors in icons and this great refer to Blender logo :slight_smile: ! In my opinion yours icons should be default icons set in Blender…
P.S. Now we have also orange Smilies on this Blender forum ;). hehehe… great :wink:

How do you install these, you have to build your own version or something right? :confused:

Use latest RC. Create directory “icons” inside “.blender” directory in Your Blender’s RC installation. Copy the icon set there. After You run the RC enter “Themes” in “User preferences” window. Make “Specify theme for…” to display “UI and Buttons” and choose “Icon FIle” from “Current color” list. Now You can browse icons that are in mentioned “icons” dir and use Your favourite one.


Should it be DOT icons though; e.g. “.icons”?

EDIT: OK, I don’t see what you’re talking about.

Maybe I have the wrong build?

Here’s a screenshot:

Could kindly post a screenshot of your setup?


EDIT: Nevermind, got it working!


The directory name is just ‘icons’ without the dot.

You have to select ‘UI and Buttons’ from the drop down selection that reads ‘3D View’ and after you did this you can select ‘Icon File’ from the drop down selection that’s named ‘Outline’. A new selection next to ‘UI and Buttons’ will appear and you can select your icon set there.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Ah, you found it out - maybe my description helps somebody else…:slight_smile:

These icons are great. They have a consistent style and are far more logical ond convey more meaning to the end user.

However, I do have a few crits:
First of all, as others have pointed out the radiosity icon (nuclear sign) doesn’t make much sense. It does not in any way reflect the purpose of the tool. Cire’s idea of a cornel box would be more appropriate. http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/1821/cornellboxjx3.jpg
Second, the object icon of yours (a cube) is problematic because it is too specific. There are loads of other object types than polygon meshes, so this adds to confusion. In this particular example, the old icon probably made more sense.

Anyway, good work, and hope to see your icons as defaults in 2.5!

I think you still can do your own set of icons by mixing those you like and change those you dislike with the gimp (or other app ) , nope ?

Peace :smiley: .

what must i do to get these icons into blender?

*nvm just saw the psts 3 notes above lol sry

Just joined. Those icons have good form and, despite many posts, I think that the their concepts are very clear. Good job!

I am interested in trying to create my own set of icons. Could someone tell me the organization of the icons on the sheet, please? Also, how much do you have to space them out?

Hopefully that was clear.

It’s some time since 2.43 was released, but this icon set is still not in CVS…
Would be really sad if it died.