Icy Lantern

I made this gas lantern in the snow! Lantern is modeled in Blender, the forest background is IRL, from one of my hiking photos. I rebuilt the raw as an EXR in Affinity Photo to get the proper light range for the comp, then did some heavy day-for-night editing to make it more stylized. Snowflakes are built in Houdini following this awesome Entagma tutorial, then scattered onto the lamp and falling from the sky via geometry nodes (they’re WAYY too heavy to bring back from Houdini as prebuilt falling snow or frost! Importing just the single flakes then scattering with geonodes keep everything instanced and lightweight!)

Wireframes and WIP/comp breakdowns are on my ArtStation! Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice everyone!



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! :blush:

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