Idea : Putting Comments in Node Editor

To be honest I believe the best way is to use a backdrop node as it works in Nuke - if that would be possible. Like this.

But that would be dependent on the nodes having a depth index kinda thingie, so you could specify a node always being below all other nodes… Perhaps that’s built into the framework for the group node? That might be a starting point…

Have you tried the new “Frame” node? It’s actually doing exactly that and is very helpful for adding small comments :slight_smile:

It is probably too short but it is good to know that we can use Node Label.

It would also be pretty trivial to add a text attribute to that thing that displays in the N-panel as a comment block.

Wow, nooo, I missed that. When did they sneak that in there :wink:

And that’s half way of what I’d like… But why isn’t there a way to put text in it other than changing the label? That would make it even more awesome… But tnx, until I have my dream-note for comments I’ll use that! :slight_smile:

How about if the comments took the form of a ‘tool tip?’ You know, hover the mouse pointer over the node and you see the note.

This would work for just about anything that needs a bit of labeling or notation. It also wouldn’t take up any screen real estate.

I’d like to see something like this for all forms of layers as well.

I created a simple comparison of ways to add comments to node setups:

Conclusion: comment node or text in frame node would be cool. I’m pretty sure it will be developed sooner or later :wink:

I definitely think taking a few notes from Nuke would be good, specifically the ways in which nodes, layouts (panel type things), and so on can all have notes written in them, along side a title name for the node.

It makes documenting very easy, as in complex node setups having multiple methods is always a good thing.

Off-topic -

I do hope that the point object can make it into trunk at some point, it’s such an awesome helper when making node setups, if anyone doesn’t know what I’m on about… Basically someone (The guy who is working on tile branch I believe) developed the ‘dot’ helper from Nuke for Blender.

I actually knew this is a fundamental issue, because I tried to code it myself too. Text editor is not “WALK IN THE PARK” coding.

Good suggestion!

We should not be able to just put notes in the node editor,
but every object and scene should be able to have a post-it note type field, with possibly url’s to documentation/wiki.

I really dont mind the text options inside the panel side so you can free up screenspace inside the node system. But this might force you to take a look at the panel to see if there are notes left.

@Light Bwk
Oh, you did mention it?

Keep pushing for this to be made.

OK. I’ll make noise.

I didn’t know Nuke! It looks cool.

I prefer comment node style…
Frame with text is also ok.

I created a simple comparison of ways to add comments to node setups:
Conclusion: comment node or text in frame node would be cool. I’m pretty sure it will be developed sooner or later

After looking at this comparison, I realized the current frame can help me a little. But what I don’t like with frame is that the frame hides the background totally where the preview image is shown each time. So I’m happy if the backcolor of frame is transparent.


but every object and scene should be able to have a post-it note type field, with possibly url’s to documentation/wiki.

I agree!
I forget the details and the reasons a month later. I want to take a note JUST-IN-PLACE :slight_smile:
I want to add a post-it note to an Object in 3D View and to a layer in the bar of 3D View so far.

Don’t give up so easily,… let’s say it has fainted… :slight_smile: