Just an observation if you happen to be testing and struggling with IES textures using Cycles in 2.8.
The default point light created with the factory settings has a rotation. While this isn’t a problem when used as a point light, it can be a problem when you use an IES texture.
Ies textures do not appear to have the same effect on other light types - spot or mesh - the result is different than without IES texture, but does not look much like point lamps with IES texture.
If you plan on using Cycles and IES lights, consider setting the following options to help make your life a little easier:
The whole point of this was just to let everyone know that while rotation doesn’t matter for a point light, it does matter if you intend to use IES texture in cycles.
Also, when you add a point light, the rotations are set to 0,0,0 just like when adding any other object. However, for some reason, the default scene includes a point light that does have rotations:
The main problem with point lights is that if they do get rotated - intentionally or by accident, there is no way to tell at a glance - you would have to select the lamp and look at the object panel to see what the rotations are. If you plan on using IES textures on point lamps, I think it is a good idea to toggle on bounds and cone as shown in the original post, so you can see if the lamp has been rotated and what direction it is pointing.