Ignore This

EDIT: I fixed the issue already. You can just ignore this.

I’m using jMc2Obj to import a Minecraft world into Blender. The model imports perfectly, and every object is assigned a color, but there is a problem: although the textures and UV maps seem to be imported, none of the textures show up! Instead, they all show as magenta in the viewport when I enable textured rendering mode. I can see that the .png files were imported in the hierarchy, and the object has a UV map.

Does anyone know how to do this correctly?

Thanks for sharing the solution…

If you’re also having this issue, the issue was that if you export textures as a single file, the change won’t propagate automatically, so you must enable the single texture file setting in the model settings.

I can’t ignore something when someone tells me to.

Saying “Ignore this” is like putting on a giant neon flashing sign, las vegas style, saying look everyone!

in order to be ignored, you should post something like [xXReubendXx][VideoGames][Minecraft][Java][Textures][HELP ME] CAN SOMONE HLP ME PLS?!?!?


hehe, now that was a good one. So deep :slight_smile:

or: PLZ HALP! I NEED TO MAKE MOVIE NOW!!! how to make movie plz. :mad:

Modron, those posts don’t usually include any form of the word please, much less use it twice.