IK not bending correctly

Hi, I’m fairly new to rigging and I’m in the process of rerigging a character from RE Engine. I’m currently rigging a leg following this tutorial:

As I am doing the leg IK chain, the bone refuses to bend at the knee when there is a pole target and sort of sticks to the knee joint.

With pole target:

Without pole target:

I’ve tried a couple fixes, but it ends up resulting in the leg flying everywhere. Does anyone know how to fix this? I assume it may be due to some parenting issues, but I can’t be too sure as, again, I am fairly new to this.

Thank you for your help in advance!

You’ll probably need to post up the .blend file.

The - MCH-ik thigh_l - bone, what’s going on with that? It should be a child of some bone in the hip area, it shouldn’t stick out like it is in your pics, it should be anchored to the hip area. But it’s hard to tell what is going on from just screenshots.

It looks like your leg bones are straight. IK likes a bit of pre-bend to it so it knows which way to bend. So the knee joint needs to be a bit in front of the hips/feet.

When a bone(s) flips around wildly, that is usually a cyclic dependency problem. To check for this, enter and exit edit mode and look in the console (Window → Toggle System Console) for error messages.


I figured it was due to the parenting, but despite trying to parent it to the main thigh bone, the original hip, and then what it was originally parented to, it still gives that wonky stiff legged look.

As for the leg bones, there was indeed a bend to it, but the pole angle was just off and I’ve now fixed it.

But thank you! This at least gave me some more insight on the whole rigging process.

Here’s the blend file if you’re interested in seeing whatever is going on. Thanks once again!

The BBone view can obscure things a little. Switching to the Octahedral view shows what the problem is. The thigh bone is pointing in the wrong direction.

Select it in Edit Mode, and press Alt-F to flip it’s direction. After doing that, I needed to reparent the calf to the thigh bone. Parent them as ‘Connected’.

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THIS ABSOLUTELY SAVED ME, thank you!! :sob:

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