IK Solver Constraint Settings different from tut.

I’m in the middle of following the tutorial at http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/BSoD/Introduction_to_Character_Animation/Lower_body_armature
but my buttons and fields do not look like the one shown, and it won’t take anything I type in the OB field. When I press enter the text disappears. I don’t have the BO field at all that I’m also supposed to type in. Is there something I’m supposed to do to set my settings up to look like theirs? I have tried versions 2.45 and 2.46. Thanks.

Most likely your buttons and things look different because you’re using a newer version of Blender than the tutorial was written for. Is there anything you can’t find? What do you need help with?

If the OB: field isn’t accepting your input, it’s because the object you’re trying to use doesn’t exist. Right click on your skeleton to select it and look in the bottom-left corner of the 3D view to make sure it’s called “Armature,” and not something like “Armature.001.”

Then, type whatever that name is into the IK solver constraint OB field. When you do that, the BO field should magically appear out of nowhere!