I'm back

I know I’ve had a bad start with everyone. So I’m going to start out again. I just made a community the website is http://sidexffects.suddenlaunch.com. This will have to do until I finish my site. Also you have to login on the password taht you were registered with then change the password to any password that you’d like.

It looks like it’s going to take a long time to get SideXffects recognized but it will get recognized.

I made some modifications. I made new forums posted some posts. So far looks good.

I think this thread could be a little better if you didn’t talk to yourself so much…


i have to say, yer sites looking good, and strong… good job on that… but as for your development on sidexffects, i honestly dont beleive your working on it at all… maybe some screen shots AND a test beta would get the whole community on your side…right now, i think its all fake

is it going to be open source :slight_smile:


is the word I think

fake LOL :smiley:

As I stated before.

This is not a forum to either:

a. promote a product
b. misguide people

I’ve asked you before not to try and promote your product here. Which many people (including me) doubt it a product at all since the way you talked about it before is highly impossible and unlawfull.

Timothy Kanters