I'm new to blender, help??

Hi, I’m newish to Blender. I’ve started and stopped learning over the past couple years but now I’m actually seriously learning to use it. Anyway, I was working on making a tire from Blender Guru and I can’t figure out the circle. The tutorial said to use a Bezier Circle and it’s solid in the tutorial but it’s hollow in my blender (2.5) and I don’t know where to find a solid one or if there’s some kind of modifier to fill it. I know it’s silly, but it’s really frustrating me and I want to get it done before my dad comes home tonight so I can show him… :slight_smile: Please help!!

go to the object data panel and by default its set to 3D
to make it solid click on 2D

I can’t find it on there and the curve panel where it used to be is gone. What do I click on?

its in between the modifiers panel and the materials panel