I'm trying to model a M1897 for game but can someone tell how can i model the receiver?

Should I use Subd
Or using boolean

IMO , if you can, model it normally then bevel the abrupt edges. Weird geometries can be finicky, but maybe worth a try.
And welcome to the BlenderArtists community.


Thank you
I have been trying many methods
But i don’t know if i am doing correct
I tried subd with boolean to get the erupted edges but i don’t liked

It looks good except for the triangulated faces. If you can make a clean quad patch to go over it using retopo, and weld it to the surrounding loop it will look a lot better. If there are any tiny triangles around the edge where the patch will need to fit, merge them ( M key in edit mode )

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Also, vertex slide can be handy for orienting vertices before merging. If you could throw up a wireframe, I might be able to give you a better solution.

Can you show me how because I am really beginner
I didn’t apply bevel or subd yet