iMac G3

Although I’ve never had an iMac G3, it is very nostalgic to me, so I wanted to model it.

Inspired on an advertisement:


Hey, this work is very cool!!!
I’m working on a personal project, it’s a pop up store for a vintage videogame that I’ve designed, could I have your iMac G3 model to include it in my 3d pop up store project? Obviously I will mention you in the credit for your great work…

I would be infinitely grateful

I’m glad you like it. I am sending the model, but the topology is messy. I was very new to Blender at the time.

imac_C.blend (3.03 MB)

Thank u so much, it will be perfect!!

Hi. I was just wondering if I could use this in the cover art for an album that my band is making? Thank you!

Please get back to me as soon as possible. If not, I will use it anyways.