Image layers manager like in the old Blender 2.62?


Back in time it seems Blender had an “image layers manager”.

I’m aware about some addons to manage paint layers BUT these are working on a shader level with textures/images (they stack several textures on top of each other in the shader and blend them with nodes).

I’m speaking about layers which was manged in the image level while painting on the 2D canvas (like photoshop).

Do you know if this system is still available in Blender 4? Or if I can find somewhere an addon which does that?

Below a print-screen of the system in Blender 2.62:

This free addon is working on an shader level BUT it can bake the final output to an image.

That means I could paint on a plane in the 3D viewport and then bake the result.

It’s a kind of workaround but if it works for what I need, it’s good!

The addon :

Blender never supported layers at image level.
Old addons were saving one image per layer.

That is a recurrent request to be able to paint different image layers.
Image Editor can open psd or exr files, just in purpose to display them.
But when it is about painting them, all their layers are treated as an unique one.