Image Sequence doesn't refresh in Compositor

I loaded two image sequences in the compositor and I want to combine them. When I stop the playback the images refresh, when I change things in the compositor the images refresh. Where is the bottleneck?

EDIT: tried in 2.93 and 3.1.2

The compositor is not made for real-time playback…
You have to take into account, that it has to Load each frame from both sequences ( even though it is internal) process it from whatever setting there are in the compositor then send it to the screen…it can’t do that at normal frame rate…

If you want to see it in real-time…Use EeVee and load up the first sequence as a plane…and add in the second sequence and combine it with a mix RGB node in the materials…
and play through the 3d view…

Either that or you need to render out the anim from the compositor to view in an external viewer…

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Not yet, anyway:

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So, when people work in the compositor and want to see changes in time they have to scrub through the frames? I did not know that. Thanks for the response.

@joseph thanks for the info.

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