Image texture dribbles

Hello everybody,

I have problems with an image texture (Aqua clean) that dribbles when it overlaps an other image texture (Altalys).
I have this problem with eevee on 3.6 version. I tried the latest 4.1 version but it’s the same.

Here is the problem on uv editing :

I did this material like this :

  • procedural texture (grey metal) : top on the nodes tree
  • 2 image texture that have alpha color for transparency.

I’m not sure if it’s the best way to do it.

Thanks for your help !

Here is the tree nodes :

I finally found the solution by myself :grinning:
I post the solution for those who meet the same problem.
It is due to the alpha channel which is particular for this PNG image.

I changed the alpha parameter in the image texture node.
I changed it from “straight” to “Premultiplied” :

Image 3