I’m working on an animation in blender but I have a problem where when I render my scene and go to save it as a PNG or any other type of file format the saved image turns grey.
hahaha ! Too much mysterious things !
When you save an image from the image editor you have access to other settings.
That’s may be where that the confusion came from.
But when doing animation it will use the scene settings. Keep RGB, or RGBA (with transparency) .
And use BW only if you know what you’re doing. Most of the time it’s not needed.
Actually the blender render is completly correct but because of the dimensional distortion of the acess gate to the backrooms this image couldn’t be mapped to the RGB values of an PNG image. It may be possible that those images can be saved into an openEXR file. But be aware that in rare situations a weird affect may occur so that if that file gets to big you will produce an instance of a backroom which may lead to total loss of orientation in this world. So if you already smell old carpets or the air mosture is going up and you hear the rustle of old tapestry you may already be in danger… Did just the light flicker?
I’m having the same issue, but in my case i dont figure how to fix it, its supposed that its everything OK, just at the saving moment turns in what I think its the alpha channel? Any guesses? never in my 7 years in blender struggle with this haha
Well… i think it’s best to spent some more minutes in this forum to be able to upload a up to 5MB (do not forget blenders compression ) blend file or share this via an external hoster…
Do you use the compositor so your blue Viewlayer would show something different than the Composite layer and have different outputs for Viewer and Composite (maybe by using the node wrangler Ctrl-Shift click feature ) or even use some FileOutput nodes ?
I tried to move my assets to another Blender file, thinking the issue might be due to an option I activated unknowingly. Everything is fine with other rendered previews, but I realized this happens when I activate the “film-transparent” render option. It’s the only thing that triggers this behavior. I’ve done this process before in other asset browser files without any problems, im sure this souldn’t happen.