Images from Hard-surface Modeling in Blender

Always incredible images Alex! love your work! :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

I loved the course , its excellent for beginners, not so suitable for more experienced users like myself but it still has its own gems to offer , I really liked the section on topology flow. Overall I highly recommend it especially if you are beginner or not that familiar with mechanical modeling in Blender.

This is amazing! I am going to need to save up some money to get the course.

Just bought this course ans started to follow it.
Is there an official place (forum, reddit, discord, or whatever) to discuss about this course specifically ? Ask questions to other students, maybe even to Aidy and Gleb ?

I don’t consider myself a beginner, more like intermediate, but I found TONS of useful info and stuff I never thought I could use. The topology flow was wonderful addition to stuff I couldn’t possibly know unless I had worked in the industry for more than 10 years. So, I think it’s fair to say this course can appeal to intermediate to advanced users and still offer some new stuff, new approaches, new ways of working around stuff/problems. I bought it in the beginning of its release and I’m pretty happy I did that! Also Alex and Gleb had clearly put so much effort that it’s worth helping them! :slight_smile: