Images from Hard-surface Modeling in Blender

Here are some images from Hard-surface Modeling in Blender, our new video course.
Watch the introduction video:


Looks nice , i would buy it if atm was not poor :frowning:

I fallowed that knife tutorial , learned some nice stuff , so my guess this is even better

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Looks amazing. I wonder what it contains and what its purpose is.
You can also tag the topic with #hard-surface and #robot

You’re #featured, Sir!

damn i just sow the introduction this is really crazy

I bought it instant

What’s your guess? :slight_smile:

Woo, thank you sir!

Thank you Bart!

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In a good or bad sense? :smiley:

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of course in a good sense ? i mean cant you see this whole details ?
not that i am trying to remaaind you of your creation ? Xp

Secure rubber ducks for the apocalypse and transport them to the ship that will send the last remains of human history.

Saw this a few days ago, soooo looking forward to it once I have a little time.
Everything looks spectacular, especially considering no extra plugins. :smiley:

And the fact that you include some theory and design stuff is really cool too

Can’t update the tags for some reason, maybe I miss something obvious.

WOW !!! bravo!!

Looks Amazing! I want this.

Congrats Gleb and Aidy! Will hopefully buy it very soon then I can make a Robot for my Space Scenes :rofl:

I’m pretty good at doing complex mechanical stuff in Blender, but nowhere nearly as good as to make something as complex as this robot within a lifetime. It shows me I’ve got a lot to learn, and that’s worth a lot to me. I struggle with cleaning up after boolean operations. I struggle before and after placing every hole or slot.
So, I have to borrow the money from VISA, but so be it. Even just the library of little shapes that comes with it is probably worth the price.

I picked up this course up on day 1 and over the past weekend binge-watched the intro videos that cover all the basics of modifiers and such. Really well done, and I learned a ton already! So far I am very happy with the purchase!

Well, I don’t know if this is the right place for a review, but here I go. I bought this a couple of days ago, maybe three, I’ve lost track. This course is AWSOME. I’ve learned more already than I learned about Blender in the past 15 years of using it, and I haven’t even finished downloading side A of the virtual DVD, which allegedly just “covers the basics”. Supposedly side A is about 6 hours material, and side B 7 hours; but the bags under my eyes are testimony to the falseness of the claim. I can’t count how many hours of video I’ve been watching and I’m hardly at more than half of side A yet. For people out there wondering if this is worth the $60, let me say you can’t even put a price to this. There’s probably nothing you will ever regret less having bought.