Implementation of the Extrude+Bevel tool

To my great surprise by the default Blender isn’t able to do the extrude edges with further customization of bevel as in 3Ds Max, I’m very disappointed, because to achieve this result you have to perform several operations (creating three loops, then scale or an extruded a middle loop) and when you have to perform this operation often, it is damn annoying. After a long search, I came across an absolutely magical addon from author AlexMcKonst which is called MASC. This addon is capable of extrude an edges (whether both loop or ring) with further adjustment of the bevel, besides there are a lot of additional settings such as inverting, subdividing setting, shift of extrude that saves a lot of time and effort. I urge all community members, including developers, to pay attention to this extremely useful tool! It has been bypassed for unknown reasons, and it should have been introduced into the blender as a default one! I will attach a download link to the gumroad portal where you can try it.

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Here’s the dev thread. It hasn’t been ported to 2.80 yet, so matbe that’s why it isn’t well known

Addon is already ported to 2.82. Try to install it and check it.

That’s why add-ons exist in the first place: devs simply cannot implement every conceivable feature. What you think should be in there out of the box, plenty others would consider marginally useful.