Import Animation from 3ds Max to blender

I want to do a little animation with a friend of mine. However he wants to use 3ds Max for Modelling and animating. The plan would be to render the whole with cycles because he has never really rendered anything in 3ds max and i know Blender(+ i have the better pc…)
we thought it should work exporting as .fbx but it makes a mess out of the character

Furthermore if you take a look at the dimensions, it is way off.

When exporting as .obj the objects stays the way it should (dimensions are still off), but you can’t export animation…

Now this character consists of several different objects. Its not in one mesh. Could this be a problem.
Furthermore he implemented these tubes(i believe they are calles hose) in 3ds max. Is there a possibility to fake them in Blender?

Thank you for any kind of help!

Point Oven is a plugin that can export MDD (point data). You could use the point data in Blender to drive the animation baked out of Max. There might even be another way to get MDD out of Max… I’m so old school I immediately go to PO.

just to somehow close this topic: we were not able to properly import the animated character or the rig into blender from 3ds Max 2014. It was only a test animation so not much was lost. <br>I just took the char into blender rerigged and we now use purely blender

OBJ sequences are a possibility as well. You can use Meshfoot to playback the OBJ sequence or create an MDD out of Blender. But your solution of re-rigging for a total Blender solution is probably the best way to go.