Import Bezier Curves - Problem with Append? - SOLVED

Sent the wrong variable to curve function… :ba:

Thanks anyway…

Hi all,

I’m trying to write a script to import bezier curves from xml, generated by an export script. The main hickup is when I create a bezier curve, only the first point (starting point) is appended, not the following Bezier Triples…

To test these scripts, place them in Blender/.blender/scripts folder and export a bunch of curves (only ONE curve per object, please!)

From the File menu, import the exported file from the Import menu. You’ll notice that the objects are created, but only with a single vertex each…

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You are of course welcome with any other suggestions of code improvement! I’m aware of the clumsy code, even though the files say version 2, these are in fact, version 0.00001… :spin:


hi swebal,
where are the scripts? Have you finished it?