Import/Export Suite for Blender 2.28!

This is a minor update of my IO Suite to be used for testing Blender 2.27.NewPy1. For experienced users only! Extract to a directory on your pythonpath (or your BlenderDir), then run the contents of to import or export.

Exporting is still not working properly, but will be fixed soon. It is backward compatible with 2.23. And yes, I still use 2.23 becuase it is much faster than 2.27. Most of the new work is in the lightwave module (matererial indices, vertex colors, materials, specular highlights, etc.).
Send me bug reports, feature requests, and comments via email.

heya – first off, lemme say thanks for this – it will help me enormously.

However, when I try to run the script, I keep erroring out on:
import radiosity, truespace, lightwave, off, raw, lightflow
import flags

for some reason (I’m sure just a silly cockpit error), it cannot find the ff directory. Now, for my file paths and setup:
python:// dir in blender

PYTHONPATH env variable:

NOTE: the above python path is all one line, I just broke it so the page formatting wouldn’t get hosed.

I have tried copying the ff dir into my /usr/lib/python-2.2/site-packages, and /usr/lib/python-2.2, also with no success.

Am I missing something here? If you need more info, I’ll be happy to provide it.

Thanks, and Regards

I haven’t used linux in a while, but it should work without problems. Try putting the modules in /home/mike/media_stuff/blender/scripts. Once it finds the modules, everything should work.

when i run any of the lightwave scripts i get ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘argv’ for this:

if len(sys.argv) == 1: # if no arguments are specified,

for line 569 for the 4-28-03 file
line 544 for the 5-3-03
line 644 for the other one

Great Work!
One of most useful script. IMHO, when you have a stable
version, this must be included in Blender distribution
(in the next releases the python script will be used from

I hope that you add the 3ds soon.



levon: Don’t run any of the modules directly; the only 2 you can run from blender are and

Manuel: I do have a working 3ds exporter, and a yafray importer. Once I get some more time, I’ll update the whole suite and get everything working.

Hi sorpius, great job !

I tried IOSuite to import a couple of Lightwave models (can’t say which version since they’re were passed to me from someone else) and all I could do was to import the vertex information but it didn’t import any face.

The script doesn’t show any error, just a “No faces found” message and then the “successful import” message or similar.

Can you tell if this is a problem of the original models or maybe a bug in the script ?


PS: Blender 2.28 and Python 2.2

Apparently the models are imported OK with the previous version of teh script in Blender 2.23, so it is a problem with the new version I guess… any ideas ?

If you get a “No faces found” message, then the lw mesh object is in nurbs/patch/subsurf mode. The only way around it is to resave it as a plain mesh in lw, i.e., disable the patch mode.

Thanx for your reply !.

The only way around it is to resave it as a plain mesh in lw, i.e., disable the patch mode

This means that I’m doomed, since I don’t have LW to switch off nurbs/patch/whatever mode.

But why it did worked in Blender 2.23 (same models) ? :-?

Thanks scorpius!