Import HUge mesh file

I need help with figuring out if its possible to import a ply file of about 4Gb. i was trying to import a 3d fractal. Is this possible to import a mesh file this big? I have rtx2080ti 9800k and 16Gb of ram. Would it be possible if i added more ram? say 32 or 64 Gb? or is the only way to use a different render engine like raymarching or something? help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

any idea how many verts this represent for the PLY

I guess cycles does have less memory limit then EEVEE!

can you reduce or decimate that PLY or not before uploading to BL?

is this like a points cloud or a full 3D mesh with faces ?

happy bl

You convoluted the issue a bit. You do not even mention if you successfully imported the mesh or not. We do not know what issue you are having with the file since you jumped around from importing to render engines.

no i didnt export the mesh from blender it was generated with fractal mesh software. I can successfully import a smaller mesh like 200Mb. The issue is not the file. I need to know basically if getting more ram will allow to import bigger meshes into blender or not…sorry for the confusion.

I can reduce or decimate the mesh and create smaller mesh files but i want to capture as much detail of the fractal as possible. It is a full 3d mesh.

or maybe if there is a way to import the mesh in sections or something. or maybe like an option in blender i dont know about to like only import mesh as its visible to the camera…or …ya know…some way to do it

can you give us an idea how many verts you have ?
on problem I see is that if you have like 20 millions points with like 15 millions faces that will take a long time to upload in blender
and could crash
try it at night and next morning see if it crash or not !

may be try to upload in Meshlab and may be cut a few pieces and then export and import in bl

happy bl

yea the 200Mb one is 3 mill verts and 6 mill faces so the 3.5 Gb one is prolly like…40 million verts adn 60 mill faces…not really 100% sure since i cant tell until i import it since it was created with mandelbulber…i let it sit for about an hour and no dice but i haven’t tried overnight. it was using 11.8 Gb of ram though…I haven’t thought about mesh lab. Is that better at importing meshes? i think i will try that if I can get all the detail of the fractal then just say chop off a piece and use that i could probably composite it together or just use a section of it. thanks for the suggestions. I am currently rendering a flythrough of the 3 mill vert fractal made of all pure glass which looks pretty cool but i would like to see it with more itterations ;). kinda like mandelbulb 3d but more photo realistic in blender, and with the options of glass or reflective metal and so on.

P.S. I heard blender has no vert limit so i was also wondering what part of my set-up is the limiting factor…like do i need more gpu’s or more ram or more cpu power…or is it some kind of importing algorithm limit

I would try separating it into smaller pieces. Several small objects usually are faster than one large object. Chunks of four or five million polygons perhaps.

try Meshlab it is faster then Bl
then cut a piece like 1/5 the total and export that part
but first make certain that it has only one material for all the faces

then import bl and check the time for upload
that will give an idea how long for all the data

not certain about your mem 16 GB
it is good but how much data it can hold is not easy to determine
but should be good do your test and check memory usage

let us know

happy bl

ok cool ill try to do this thanks alot for the suggestions