Import Rhinoceros 3D files into Blender

I get the reply that :
‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
My questions :

  • Q1 The only new command available that I see after installing Python is python.exe
    I installed the latest python 3.7.7 from the following link:
    It installs in the /Programs folder
    I have checked that I can run it and it is functioning properly as an interpreter with basic print(“hello world”) command
    However pip is supposed to be executed at the Windows command prompt and not within the interpreter? How does that work?
  • Q2 There is already another instance of python.exe in every installation of Blender in the subfolder …/2.81/python/bin
    Can I use this python executable? Do I really need the installation of Python separately (as in Q1) ?
    If I need the separate installation, how does Blender and the Add-on know of the “pip install rhino3dm” (if I ever manage to succeed installing)?
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