Imported 3ds file issues


I’ve imported 3ds file and now I get this. Each of the parts are anchored/connected to the points. I’ve no idea what it is. How to get rid of it? it effects the way I move the object around and interact with it.

Many thanks

All objects are connected to Empty. You can disconnect them.


Alt+P after full selection


Hey kim,

Thanks for quick reply. It helped. Then I noticed weird thing, if I press 1 on my numpad, which is front orthographic, the whole chair disappears or random parts disappear. Also, all parts are part of animation. Any ideas what is going on here?

This is a problem that occurs when the object is too large or too small.


Adjust the viewport clip start end


Gotcha! Many thanks. How you been so far?

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Good. Have a nice day :slightly_smiling_face: