Imported Blend shapes Issue

I’m trying to import some blend shapes onto a rigged model using the ‘Join as Shapes’ method.
At its full value of 1.0000 the shape looks correct except its rotated the mesh through 90 degrees which is clearly not right.
I assume that the vertex order etc is correct because I tested the same two meshes successfully outside the rig so I can only assume that the rig is whats giving the strange 90 degree rotation error.

Can anyone suggest anything obvious I have missed?

Do your rig and both meshes have the same rotation?

Thanks for replying G_De

I used Rigify so I’m fairly sure they are at the same rotation.

That said I’m very new to Blender so there maybe some under the bonnet stuff going on that I’m unaware of

If you want to share a link to the file, I’ll take a look.

Thanks really kind G_De.
I think I may have found a work around. I’m bringing the blend shape in, on a 90 degree offset. Once its applied to the base as a shape key in Blender the offset compensates for the original error and seems to work okay.
If I hit a brick wall further down the line I may shout to you for help!!

Thanks again for your input :grinning:

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