Imported OBJ file has cyan border in edit mode

Hi, i just imported an obj file from maya file, and why in edit mode there’s cyan lines? what’s those mean?

And u see when in object mode, material preview mode, the object kinda transparent.

Those edges are marked as ‘sharp’. It helps keep some edges sharp when activating smooth shading.

how to do that mark?

Select edges in edit mode, then press ctrl+e to bring up the edge menu and select mark sharp (or clear sharp if you want to remove it)

Many times software will export objects with edges marked sharp based on the smoothing threshold set in the originating software, in this case Maya. Some times this is good, other times this can cause artifacts in places you don’t want them, so it is a good idea to check this once in a while. To clear this is shown above. Your model is transparent because the normals are facing the wrong direction. This also happens from time to time while transferring models, as each software may define them differently, or use double sided geometry. Go to edit mode, select everything and hit Shift-n to recalculate outside, those that remain, select the polys hit Alt-n and flip.